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Church Usher Training Resources
The Ministry of Ushers
by Gregory F. Smith
Liturgical Press, The - March 1986
Format: (P)
Father Smith Explains how ushers training can effectively serve the worshiping assembly with joy, dependability, kindness, and reverence, and thus prepare their brothers and sisters for joyous participation in the sacrament of unity.
The Work of the Usher
This book is a complete guide, simply and clearly written, suitable for individual or group training, and durably bound in a convenient size.
Ushers, God's front line Commanders
by Josef Howard
ISBN-10:141840876X ISBN-13:9781418408763
AuthorHouse - May 2004
Format: (P)
This book deals with issues such as: ushers and etiquette, ushers taboos, what ushers need to know about the local church, usher's relationship with the pastor(s), and different kinds of emergencies that occur in the local church and how to handle them. This book also scrutinizes the ministry of ushering from an interdenominational and biblical perspective.
Manual Del Ujier[Spanish]
Manual del Ujier
By: Leslie Parrott
ISBN-10: 0829703292 ISBN-13: 9780829703290
Vida - 1992-09-01
(P) | Spanish Edition | 68 Pages | Dimensions: 6.99 x 4.25 x 0.17 inches
The author describes the functions of the usher and provides practical guidelines on how this vital role in the church may be carried out with grace and efficiency.
Ushering in Today's Churches
by HoratioWilson
Xulon Press - August2003
Format: (P)
Ushering in Today's Churches was written to assist usher ministries to serve God in an effective and excellent manner, and was written for any churh that desires to take their usher ministries to the next level.
Joy of Ushers and Hospitality Ministers:
Making a Place for Others
by GretchenHailer ISBN:1878718606
Catholic Book Publishing Company - June2000 Format: (P)
Serving as a Church Usher
by Leslie Parrott Chuck Lawless Randall D. Engle
Written by experienced pastors and church workers, these easy-to-read, to-the-point booklets address the fundamentals of different ministries as practiced effectively in real life. You'll find biblical insight and wise, field-tested advice you can apply today, as well as discussion questions to help you think through and integrate what you read.
Individual use
Group training Includes usher's checklist and resources for the offering Your importance as an usher can't be overstated. Your impact is enormous both in meeting the needs of people and in keeping the church service running smoothly. Serving as a Church Usher sheds light on
The Ministry of Ushers
The Functions of an Usher
An Usher's Standard of Excellence
The Authority and Responsibility of Ushers
Ushers as Greeters Zondervan Practical Ministry Guides provide you with simple, practical insights for serving in today's churches.
Ushering With A Mission
by Victor L. Davis
This is a Training Manual for the Great Commission Usher to be used in the ongoing task of disciplining believers. It is the first comprehensive guide that is specifically addressed to the needs of one of the most neglected groups in many of our churches today, the Usher. If you have been in search of a resource that will aid you in addressing the spiritual needs of Ushers, then continue reading. Ushering With a Mission emphasizes the importance of disciplining the individual usher. Ushering is viewed as a ministry rather than a committee or board activity. We approach the Ministry of Ushering as from a Christ centered, biblical perspective. Ushering is not something we simply do because it's our Sunday to usher, it is a lifestyle resulting from the overflow of the Spirit-filed life.
Orman Press - 28 July, 2004 Format: (P)
Welcome to Our Church: A Handbook For Greeters And Ushers
by Annette Schroeder
Concordia Publishing House - January, 1997
Format: (P)
Some solid biblical foundations for the roles of ushers and greeters in the church.
The Usher's Book:
Creating a Welcoming and Safe Environment for Worship
by John P. Gilbert
ISBN: 0687038626
Abingdon Press - August 2005
Format: (P)
A concise guide to the tasks and responsibility of the church usher intended to be used by church staff or volunteers to train new ushers and to help experienced ushers learn new ways to create a welcome atmosphere for those visiting your church.
Usher Handbook
by Ralph R. Van Loon Ralph R. Loon
This resource offers guidance to those responsible for the ministry of welcome within congregations, stressing ushering as ministry.
Augsburg Fortress Published: - February 1990 Format: (P)
Guide for the Church Usher
by James L. Blevins Thomas L. Clark
ISBN: 0805435174
Broadman & Holman Publishers - March 2002
Format: (P)
It teaches well the four specific responsibilities of ushers: greet, meet, seat, and help church members and visitors on various church occasions. Moreover, the book was written concisely and clearly making it pleasant to read.
ISBN: 0805435174
Guide for the Ushers' Auxiliary 2009
This guide offers instructional guidance in the purpose and responsibility of the usher. It explains the duties of the president, vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, and treasurer. It presents a suggested program to follow at each meeting and parliamentary procedures on how to conduct meetings. Because church ushers are a vital part of the ministry of the church, this guide also offers the necessary spiritual guidance in the ministry of church ushers. The guide includes a daily Bible study on various books of the Bible and monthly lessons
Wilson's Usher Guide
Written by: Compiled by Mrs. Gertrude Reed and Miss S. B. Wilson
The way to lift ushering into its proper place as a means of Christian service and training for both men and women.
Ushers and greeters: A worship handbook (Worship handbook series)
A welcoming and helpful atmosphere provides a fruitful environment for everyone gathered for worship. Ushers and greeters serve to present the "face" of the congregation and set the tone for both newcomers and regular worshipers. Author Gerald Spice presents helpful tips on recruiting, training, coordinating, and making the most of your usher and greeter team. Practical advice is mixed with background, theology and wide-ranging experience in this useful volume.