A woman's life is a precarious balance of love, worship, family, friendships, career, hobbies, and alone time. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day, and yet the list of things to do never stops expanding. Balancing Your Life meets the challenge of not only finding balance, but also keeping it. Rev. Cook's unique approach to sharing her faith and knowledge draws thousands of women to the God's Leading Ladies conferences. She motivates them with simple rules of life ? put God first, and let Him guide you.
Balancing Your Life: God's Plan for Hope and a Future
(God's Leading Ladies Workbook Series)
By: Suzan D. Johnson Cook
ISBN-10:0785250700 ISBN-13:9780785250708
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 2003-12-26
Paperback | 240 Pages | Product Dimensions: 9.04 x 7.12 x 0.66 inches