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ALL Business is Show Business

ALL Business is Show Business 

Every day your organization--and you--are in the spotlight. Your employees are performing and the audience--your customers--will love the show, hate it, or worst of all ignore it. Scott McKain has discovered what the film, television, and music industries have known for years: to be successful, you must create an emotional link with your audience.

  • Tell your story well. It will make you a star.

  • Have a short, powerful, and unique high concept statement. It worked for Jaws and it will work for you.

  • Practice the eight essential acts your customers want you to perform.

  • Your employees are the stars of the show. Treat them that way.

  • Create the Ultimate Customer Experience, and you will acquire amazing loyalty and unlimited referrals.

"No matter what your business," says Scott McKain, "you are always on stage. Make your performance one that leaves your customers with a feeling of Wow!"

ALL Business is Show Business: Create the Ultimate Customer Experience to Differentiate Your Organization, Amaze Your Clients, and Expand Your Profits
Scott McKain
ISBN-10: 0785206086    ISBN-13: 9780785206088
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 2004-07-22
Paperback | 224 Pages | Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches

9780785261964 Paperback white $14.99



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