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What in the World is Christian Stewardship

What in the World is Christian Stewardship

What in the World is Christian Stewardship
By: Mallery Callahan
ISBN-10: 1890436127    ISBN-13: 9781890436124
Publisher: R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp. - 1998-01-01
Paperback | 108 Pages | List Price: $12.95 (USD) | Sales Rank: 914111
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.3 x 0.5 inches

For every Christian, good stewardship is a way of life.  To emphasize this principle Rev. Mallery Callahan has compiled expert information from various sources, starting with the Word of God.

Rev. Callahan uses biblical text as the foundation of the principle of good stewardship as the goal of every Christian. 

Everything in this world belongs to God.  He simply entrusts the resources of this world to His people.  This being so, he writes, "We are all stewards of the things that belong to this life!"

Because God gives His people a choice, Rev. Callahan has been inspired to create a work to help God's people be faithful to all that He gas given them, including finances, time, talents mind and body.

In this book, Rev Callahan clarifies the Christian's responsibility concerning the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament and living under grace ad not Law through Christ Jesus in the New Testament.

"Stewardship" he writes, "is our acknowledgment that God is the Owner and Provider of all the basic goods of life, material physical, and spiritual."

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