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Dramas with a Message, Vol. 2

Dramas with a Message, Vol. 2

This exciting collection of twenty-one church-tested dramatic sketches requires only two to four characters, simple sets, and everyday costumes. Each drama is easy to perform and effectively communicates biblical truths and values. Perfect for churches with as few as fifty members or as many as five thousand. Dramas are topically arranged and easily adapted to morning or evening worship services, retreats or conferences, and evangelistic events. The easy-to-use format allows for notes and modifications to fit specific needs. Permission to photocopy these dramas for ministry use in included! Topics covered in this volume are: angels, Christmas, death, despair, eternity, failure, faith, grace, heaven, hypocrisy, idolatry, loneliness, love, materialism, prayer, racism, skepticism, suffering, temptation, trust, and wisdom.

Dramas with a Message, Vol. 2: 21 Reproducible Dramatic Sketches for the Local Church (Dramas with a Message)
By: Doug Fagerstrom(Editor)
ISBN-10:0825425824 ISBN-13:9780825425820
Publisher: Kregel Academic & Professional - 1999-11-23
Paperback | 96 Pages | List Price: $19.99 (USD) | Sales Rank: 1793740
Product Dimensions: 11.04 x 8.57 x 0.28 inches






0825425824 Paper white $19.99



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