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Testimonies for the Church,
9 Vol. Set Ellen G. White

4333002793.jpg (7624 bytes) Testimonies for the Church, vol 2
Ellen G. White
Hardcover Books
5292 pages
Copyright: 2002
Pacific Press Publishing Association

The nine volume-set of counsels from the Spirit of Prophecy contain spiritual commentary of a general nature, along with many letters of intimate instruction to members of the church during Ellen White's time. This staple of Adventist literature is being reintroduced in a beautiful new hardcover binding. The attractive forest green color and tasteful cover art will encourage the reader to revisit the wisdom found inside, and the handsome new set will dress up any home library.







HC 5292 pages

9 Volume Set $124.99
4333002793 HC 762 pages Volume 1 $14.99
0816318913 HC 764 pages Volume 2 $14.99
0816318921 HC 630 pages Volume 3 $14.99
0816318948 HC 732 pages Volume 4 $14.99
0816318956 HC 826 pages Volume 5 $14.99
0816318964 HC 534 pages Volume 6 $14.99
0816318972 HC 342 pages Volume 7 $14.99
0816318980 HC 378 pages Volume 8 $14.99
0816318999 HC 326 pages Volume 9 $14.99



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