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The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles The Acts of the Apostles
Ellen G. White

Price: US $18.99
Hardcover Book
628 pages Copyright: 2002
Published by Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816319197

The Acts Of the Apostles
Price: US $6.99
Newsprint Book
636 pages
Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816308454

The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in Volume 4, The Acts of the Apostles. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to Jesus and church on earth. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. That story is still continuing. Christ's church today is carrying forward the same work and has the same promise of divine guidance and power.




White $14.99
0816308454 Paperback White $6.99



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