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Passion of the Ages

Passion of the Ages
Ellen G. White
Price: US $3.99

Paperback Book 148 pages
Homeward Publishing

"The Passion is the biggest adventure story of all time. . .
It's the biggest love story of all time;
God becoming man, and men killing God."
Mel Gibson

In those few provocative words producer Mel Gibson captures a concise overview of the story of the passion of Jesus (Acts 1:3). But within the pages of this book you will find yourself seeing through the eyes of a divinely inspired prophet.

Ellen G. White, 1827-1915, is considered the most widely translated American author. Her literary career spanned seven decades, with more than 25 million handwritten words on a variety of topics.

Read and be blessed.
093880507X Hardcover white $3.99



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