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Adventist Family Traditions

Adventist Family Traditions

Adventist Family Traditions
Celeste perrino Walker

Paperback Book
160 pages
Copyright: 2002
Pacific Press Publishing Association

Celebrate the Adventist Home

Adventist family traditions are unique and special. They set us apart and mark us as a group of believers. They are memories that draw us home and anchor us where we belong.

This collection of family traditions has been harvested from hearts of members around the world. Some may seem very familiar to you, others may be completely new. Each one comes from a warm memory of family togetherness.

This book will do more than just explore Adventist family traditions. It will show you how to customize them for your unique family, and how to use them to build a special history that will strengthen your bonds to family, church, and God.
081631876X Paperback white $9.99



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