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Welcome, Holy Spirit

Welcome, Holy Spirit Welcome, Holy Spirit: How You Can Experience The Dynamic Work Of The Holy Spirit In Your Life.
By: Benny Hinn
ISBN:0785271694 ISBN-13:9780785271697
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (1997-05-07)
Paperback | 2nd Revised Edition | 304 Pages | List Price: $15.99 (USD) | Sales Rank: 332220
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.4 x 1.1 inches

Benny Hinn's bestselling Good Morning, Holy Spirit introduced millions of Christians to teh Holy Spirit as a personal guide and friend. Now, in the companion book Welcome, Holy Spirit, Hinn reveals the transforming, energizing power of the Holy Spirit as it works in Hinn's life, and tells how you, too, can experience this tremendous power, love, and grace.

Pastor Benny Hinn invites us to "surrender to the wind. Like a free-spirited glider, allow the Holy Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings." Learn all that can be yours when you say, "Welcome, Holy Spirit!"








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