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Covenant Child

Covenant Child (Women of Faith Fiction) Covenant Child (Women of Faith Fiction)
By: Terri Blackstock
ISBN:0849943019 ISBN-13:9780849943010
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (2002-05-14)
Paperback | Later Printing Edition | 320 Pages | List Price: $14.99 (USD) | Sales Rank: 3533526
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.9 inches

Amanda's heart broke as she watched them drive her beloved twins away. She resolved to hope . . . and to fight for them to her last breath. Kara and Lizzie are heiresses to one of the largest fortunes in the country. But when their father dies suddenly, the toddlers are taken from the arms of Amanda, their loving stepmother, and given to relatives who only want the children's fortune for themselves. Kara and Lizzie grow up questioning their worth . . . until the day when they learn the truth. Intensely involving, emotionally charged, and infused with hope, "Covenant Child" is an inspiring story that challenges us to embrace the life God holds out to us.








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