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Boredom Blasters Halloween Edition

Boredom Blasters Halloween Edition

Boredom Blasters Halloween Edition (lithgow Palooza Kits)
John Lithgow
Publisher : Running Press Kids
Pub Date : August 2005
Pages : 64
Binding : Paperback
Category : Children's Books , Teens

List Price : $ 14.95

Parents are always looking for ways to entertain their kids on a holiday when indoor parties continue to replace trick-or-treat forays around the neighborhood. Forget those same-old Halloween antics-t
Parents are always looking for ways to entertain their kids on a holiday when indoor parties continue to replace trick-or-treat forays around the neighborhood. Forget those same-old Halloween antics-this great new book contains tons of wacky ways for kids to stay entertained, engrossed, and excited about Halloween.
John Lithgowis the New York Times best-selling author of five books for children, andA Lithgow Palooza: 101 Ways to Entertain and Inspire Your Kids, which received the Parents' Choice Silver Honor Award. An award-winning actor, he has starred on stage, on film, and on television and is the devoted father of three.
0762422327 Paperback white $14.95



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