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Why We Can't Wait

Why We Can't Wait

Why We Can't Wait
Author: MartinLutherKing,Jr. JesseL.Jackson(Afterword)
ISBN: 0451527534
Publisher: Signet Classics
Released: January2000
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. launched the Civil Rights movement and demonstrated to the world the power of nonviolent direct action. Why We Can't Wait recounts not only the Birmingham campaign, but also examines the history of the civil rights struggle and the tasks that future generations must accomplish to bring about full equality for African Americans. Dr. King's eloquent analysis of these events propelled the Civil Rights movement from lunch counter sit-ins and prayer marches to the forefront of the American consciousness.

1. The Negro Revolution - Why 1963?
2. The Sword That Heals
3. Bull Connor's Birmingham
4. New Day in Birmingham
5. Letter from Birmingham Jail
6. Black and White Together
7. The Summer of Our Discontent
8. The Days to Come Afterward




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