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A Great And Godly Adventure

A Great And Godly Adventure: The Pilgrims And The Myth Of The First Thanksgiving

A Great And Godly Adventure: The Pilgrims And The Myth Of The First Thanksgiving
Godfrey Hodgson

ISBN : 1586483730
Publisher : Public Affairs
Pub Date : October 2006
Pages : 240
Binding : Hardcover
Category : History , Nonfiction

List Price : $ 24.95

A captivating revisionist history of the classic narrative of settlement reveals that much that we think we know about the Pilgrims is wrong  but that the spirit of their first Thanksgiving survives
The first Thanksgiving wasn't celebrated with turkey (there weren't any in Massachusetts) and didn't take place in 1621. Indeed the settlers, who probably didn't think of themselves as Pilgrims and were most certainly not revolutionaries against their king, were lucky not to be wiped out during their first winter. They probably would have been had the local Indian population not been affected even worse by disease and starvation.

In this fascinating history of America's favorite creation myth, peppered with delightful and unexpected insights, Godfrey Hodgson throws new light on the radicalism of the so-called Pilgrims, the financing of their trip, the state of the Indian tribes that they encountered when they landed and the reasons why Plymouth probably didn't have a rock.
1586483730 Paperback white $10.99



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