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Grandma Aggie and the Bless You

Grandma Aggie and the Bless You

by Neta Jackson Damon J. Taylor

Publisher: Kregel Publications - March 2004
Format: Hardcover, 32pp
List price: $11.99

Dimensions: 5.75 x 7.25 inches
Format: Hardcover
Length: 12 pages


This laugh-out-loud book offers a gentle reminder to kids (and their parents) to see people who are different through God's eyes. Wacky, good-natured Grandma Aggie straps on her bike helmet, and in her humorous way she blesses the old folks and young folks, working joes and exercise nuts, smilers and frowners she passes along the way. In the process she ends up getting blessed herself.

  • Prolific author more than 100 books with a host of awards including the C. S. Lewis Award and a Gold Medallion
  • Deals with an issue kids encounter every day
  • Helps kids understand what a blessing is, in everyday terms



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