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Baptist Hymn Book

Baptist Hymn Book

Baptist Hymnal: For Use in Church and Home

ISBN-10:0817090010 ISBN-13:9780817090012
Publisher: Judson Press - 1981-06
Format: Hardcover
List price: 13.00
Originally published in 1920, this classic has been a standard in Baptist churches for many years.
"The National Baptist Publishing Board began publication of hymns, tunes and songbooks as early as 1897 ...Pastors, deacons, prayer meeting leaders and other church members continued to call for a Baptist Hymn Book of the old style pocket edition, as each member desired to have his or her own pocket hymn book, and select and sing the old meter songs of his or her choice.The publishing Board has not attempted to publish the National Baptist Hymn Book as a new collection of songs, but felt that in attempting to respond this call precludes the attempt of offering any new songs whatsoever, but to select from among the old the dear to the peoples heart.
We therefore send forth the pocket edition of the National Baptist Hymn book with the earnest hope that it will meet the long felt want among Baptist Churches and religious worshipers."
Hoping that every Baptist will give this book a hearty endorsement, and that the pastor will co-operate with the board in bringing it before their congregation, thereby giving it the circulation that the National Baptist Hymn Book has received throughout America, Asia, Africa and the Islands of the Sea."






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