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Still God's Man 

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Still God's Man 
A Daily Devotional Guide to Christlike Character 
Don M. Aycock; Mark Sutton 

Dimensions: 5.25 x 8.5 inches
Format: Paperback
Length: 408 pages


This sequel to the best-seller God's Man takes men on a 365-day journey through the Bible. How can men be all male and godly at the same time? Writers Don Aycock and Mark Sutton move chronologically through the Bible demonstrating how God's grace can be applied in their lives using examples from Scripture and life for every challenging point. Encouraging and relevant, this daily devotional shows men what advice and promises are in store as they move through the Scriptures.
  • Short, easy-to-read devotionals
  • A thoughtful prayer at the end of each devotional
  • Chronological look at the Bible
0825420016 Paper white $17.99



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