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Suggested Rules & Regulations for Church Choirs

Suggested Rules & Regulations for Church Choirs

I believe that there are a lot of new believers who would be members of church choirs, if they were invited to do so. Churches need someone who know how to lead them, who could teach them choir decorum, what to do and how to go about it.
There are also many new churches being formed, God is calling new people into the church music ministry who will develop choirs and these Suggested Rules & Recommendations for Choirs will prove to be a tremendous asset for church choirs to manifest choir decorum.
This book is designed to assist those who may have problems in which they have not been able to find a solution for. It is hoped that this book may be a help to the cause of Christ in His church choirs ministries
Suggested Rules & Recommendations for Choirs provides helpful guidelines to assist choir directors and musicians in the organization of choirs, choir decorum, and the management of rehearsals.
You will find in Suggested Rules & Recommendations for Choirs, that it includes the management of the people who have committed themselves to enhancing the worship service as the choir carries forward their ministries. One could call this a manual for training choirs and bringing about unity in the mind of those who are members of the church choir. Every choir member should have a copy of this book for personal study, workshops and to learn rudiments of church music, warm-ups, choir decorum, and vocal exercises.
0990 Softcover White $9.95




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