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Voices Behind the Veil

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Voices Behind the Veil 
The World of Islam Through the Eyes of Women 
Ergun Caner, General Editor 

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Format: Paperback
Length: 218 pages


An unprecedented, sympathetic, and systematic exploration of the mysterious world of Islamic women, by women who've been there. More than half a billion women live their entire lives peeking out from behind heavy veils. Theirs is a mysterious, misunderstood life often lived without hope and under great persecution. 

This groundbreaking book is written by evangelical Christian women who have seen the other side. Ranging from missionaries in Islamic countries, to former reporters and columnists, the contributors give a powerful and unsilenceable voice to the women behind the veil. 

Written by women with such deep knowledge of Muslim life that some of the identities have been obscured for their protection 
A discussion of the real women of Islamnot the veils, protocols, and rules
082542402X Paper white $12.99



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