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Ishmael My Brother

Ishmael My Brother

Ishmael My Brother: The Unfolding of God's Prophetic Plan for Ishmael's Line

Anne Cooper, Editor; Elsie A. Maxwell, Editor;
Monarch Books, Publisher 
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8.5 inches
Format: Paperback
Length: 352 pages


A comprehensive grasp of the key facts, figures, and dynamics of this religion so frequently in the headlines and so often misrepresented. A full account of the origins, history, theology, and practices of Islam, designed to help Christians witness to Muslims with understanding. Ishmael My Brother is an interactive learning tool for individuals and groups, complete with exercises, diagrams, bibliography, and useful Web sites. Now on its seventh major printing, Ishmael My Brother has gone through countless revisions and updates. New material, such as a chapter on women in Islam, has been added for further depth. The authors continuously seek to answer the question of how we can love our Muslim neighbors and better communicate with them.
  • Sourced by a variety of authoritative figures
  • Includes study questions and interactive tools
  • Specifically intended as an educational resource rather than a general book on Islam






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