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New Pictorial Aid for Bible Study 

New Pictorial Aid for Bible Study 

New Pictorial Aid for Bible Study 
Frank Breaden 

Price: $59.99 

Bible Studies with Picture Aids 314 pages Copyright: 2004 
Distributed by Review & Herald Publishing ISBN: 0000161737 

There is nothing better than a good illustration to help a person grasp a concept. When studying the Bible, it seems like there are plenty of difficult ideas to understand. This kit makes all that simple. This is a leader's kit for running a Bible study.

You'll get a set of 78 full-color pictures in a wire bound book. Included are artist renditions of things such as the second coming, Heaven, and the beasts of Revelation. There are diagrams of events and prophecies such as how the Sabbath changed to sunday and the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. People can also see charts depicting the soul/body relationship simplified, the 2300 day prophecy, and the much more.

You'll also recieve a small binder with instructions for the teacher and 60 study guides for conducting each lesson. Every lesson starts with an introduction, moves into a discussion time, prompts the leader with questions and Bible texts, and references which page of the pictorial guide to display, and then provides a conclusion to wrap up each subject. The step-by-step method is fool proof and the pictures that complement the kit help to drive points home.

Together, these two books will provide everything you'll need to introduce people to the teachings of the Bible.




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