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Josephus and the New Testament, Second Edition
by Steve Mason

Josephus and the New Testament, Second Edition by Steve Mason

Josephus and the New Testament, Second Edition
by Steve Mason

Price: $16.95
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: paper
Pages: 256
Pub Date: 2003
ISBN: 156563795X
Item Number: 3795X
Categories: Church History; Judaism

Updated text and new maps bring this standard introduction up to date . . .
Throughout Christian history, the works of Josephus have been mined for the light they shed on the world of the New Testament. Josephus tells us about the Herodian family, the temple, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. He mentions James the brother of Jesus, John the Baptist, and even Jesus himself. In Josephus and the New Testament, an internationally acknowledged authority on Josephus introduces this first-century Jewish historian to readers who want to begin to explore his witness to environment in which early Judaism and Christianity took shape.






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