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Matters of Life and Death

Matters of Life and Death

Matters of Life and Death
Reinder Bruinsma 
Paperback Book 
192 pages Copyright: 
Pacific Press Publishing Association

An Adventist pastor speaks out on matters of life and death

Is war ever defensible? Is capital punishment ever justified? Is abortion always an abomination? How will God judge the physician who helps a patient take his or her life? Is the use of semen from a donor a form of mechanical adultery? 

These and other controversial, yet intensely real, questions are thoughtfully addressed by pastor and author Reinder Bruinsma in this amazing new book, Matters of Life and Death. Cloning, fertilization techniques, and physician-assisted suicide are just a few among many 21st century issues facing Adventist-Christians today. Is our faith up to the challenge? Do our doctrines have any thing relevant to say about these life and death matters?

Matters of Life and Death won't do your thinking for you. Neither does it seek to give the definitive Adventist position on these issues. But it will open your mind and help you gain an understanding of how our beliefs relate to, and must transform the way we live and, eventually, die. 







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