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Understanding Intimate Violence

Understanding Intimate Violence 
Barbara Couden, editor 

Paperback Book 
160 pages 
Copyright: 1999 
Review & Herald Publishing

Does domestic violence occur in Seventh-day Adventist homes? 

Statistics say yes. More than we think. Understanding Intimate Violence is a powerful too in understanding this sensitive topic and an excellent source of information and resources.

Topics include: 
Definition of intimate violence 
Root causes of violence and the cycle of abuse 
Verbal/emotional abuse tactics 
How and where to get help 
How children are affected 
Ellen White, the Bible, and the legal system 
The pastor’s role and the church’s responsibility 
"It is time for us to stop pretending that abuse happens ‘out there’ and not to our families, our church. We must lift the protective shroud of silence that covers the agony of spirit that our brothers, sisters, and children suffer. Unless we address this ugly blot on the face of our church, there are gaping holes in the ministry to our own people." – Barbara Couden




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