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Zebrite Bible Highlighter; Set of 5 Perfect Bible Highlighters

Zebright Bible Highlighters Highlighter, Set of 5

Zebrite Bible Highlighter, Set of 5

Just a note about the advantages in using Zebrite Bible Highlighters, you  will find that they do not Bleed through thin paper, therefore they are to designed to be perfect for use when highlighting your Bible. Zebrite Bible Highlighters comes in variety of colors yellow, green, pink and blue making them useful in color coding your bible.  Because Zebrite Bible Highlighters do not bleed through it is also perfect for for highlight newspaper articles, paperback books and use on Fax paper.

How do you revive a felt tip pen?
Put the marker(s) tip-down in the water. Take the caps off of your dry markers and dip them in the water so that the tips are completely submerged. Let the markers soak undisturbed for about five minutes. You may notice some ink draining out of the marker tips and into the water � this is normal.

Fixing Dried Ink in a Felt Tip Pen
Use tweezers to grasp the end cap on the end of the felt tip pen and pull it from the pen casing. ...
Fill a glass with water.
Remove the felt rod from the inside of the pen with tweezers. ...
Dip the felt tip of the pen into the water in the glass for approximately 30 seconds.

The Very Special Features Zebrite Highlighters

  • Double-ended fine and medium tips

  • Fluorescent Ink

  • Smooth Flowing Ink

  • Bright read-through colors perfect for color-coding

  • Never needs sharpening, so it�s convenient to use anywhere





26074 Set of 5 $9.99



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