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21 Century Hymnal The categories of music contained in this new hymnal include spirituals, traditional gospel, contemporary gospel, ""praise & worship,"" urban gospel, and many more. |
21 Century New National Baptist Hymnal The categories of music contained in this new hymnal include spirituals, traditional gospel, contemporary gospel, ""praise & worship,"" urban gospel, and many more. |
Gospel Pearls The songs of the Gospel Pearls may be used in every phase of public worship and will proven again and again to be of untold value in revivals and evangelistic services. They are tried and true. |
Free Spirit Songbook, Youth Inspiration, Meditation, and Dedication are the ingredients of this most versatile song book of contemporary classics and old standards |
Baptist Hymn Book - Worded Tunes and songbooks for Pastors, deacons, prayer meeting leaders and other church members to have his or her own pocket hymn book, and select and sing the old meter songs of his or her choice. |
National Baptist Hymn Book, the worded edition This is the Deacons hymn book, for use in their visitation with the sick and infirm. This hymn book contains 632 old meter hymns selected from the thousands of hymns sung in churches by our parents and grandparents for centuries back. Words only. |
New National Baptist Hymnal One of America's Most Outstanding Hymnals; Copyright 1977 Featuring 545 hymns Color choice - red for the regular edition Loose-Leaf edition - white |
Suggested Rules & Recommendations For choirs This book is designed to assist those who may have problems in which they have not been able to find a solution for. It is hoped that this book may be a help to the cause of Christ in His church choirs ministries |
The Cokesbury Worship Hymnal Containing 296 classics, revival songs, general worship songs, and special day favorites, this worship resource also features responsive readings indexed by topic. |
SDA Hymnals This hymnal, published in 1985, includes 695 hymns and gospel songs. It contains the best of fine old hymns, early Advent hymns, contemporary hymns, favorites from the Church Hymnal, American folk hymns, modern gospel songs, compositions by Adventists, 225 Scripture readings and worship aids, and 11 indexes. |
Songs of Zion Features gospels, spirituals, ethnic benedictions, chants, and songs from the African-American Liberation that reflect black heritage and traditions and the contemporary black experience. Songbook, paper |
The Worship Hymnal A Worship Hymnal, giving churches of every denomination the opportunity to use this compilation in their ministry. The and it makes worship planning much easier |