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Inspirational Magnets with Illustrated Bible Message.

Christian magnets by Bob Siemon’s Inc. These flexible vinyl magnets have illustrated on them a Bible text which reflect the Christian's faith. You may ask yourself, what good is a magnet? A gift does not have to be big to carry a big message, in most cases it is the thought that counts. Christian magnets are not very expensive. They can speak event when you are afraid to. Christian magnets may be the very thing to brighten someone's day. Present Christian magnets to someone who is shut in, as a gifts on special occasions, as a thinking you gift and it will go a long way to say "I appreciate you." I'm sure you can think of many other ways to expand your use of them even in ministries . You may choose from our selection below.





All good things are from God $2.99
Be Fishers of men $2.99
Even a sparrow has found a home. Ps 84:3 $2.99
god's_promise.jpg (34164 bytes) God's Promise $2.99
his_love_endures.jpg (29336 bytes) His Love Endures forever $2.99
i_am_the.jpg (36603 bytes) I am the gate John 10:19 $2.99
let_the_wise.jpg (39678 bytes) Let the wise Listen Prov. 1:5 $2.99
let_your_light.jpg (34925 bytes) Let your light shine Mt5:16 $2.99
make_music.jpg (40611 bytes) Make music to the Lord Ps 27:6 $2.99
the_earth_is.jpg (44656 bytes) The earth is filled with his glory. Ps 72:19 $2.99



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