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Handi Lens Bookmark and Wallet sized Magnifiers

Handi-Lens Bookmark /Wallet Magnifiers Flexible ultra-thin hi-powermagnifier. Some magnifiers Magnifies full width of book page with Inch and metric markings on edge.





HL-1T Wallet size Magnifier has a protective vinyl sleeve.


HL-BP Bookmark Size Magnifier: Flexible ultra-thin hi-power magnifier. 2-1/4 x 6-1/4" magnifying area. Magnifies full width of book page. Inch and metric markings on edge. Colorful tassel keeps place. 6" ruler carded.


Pop-Light Magnifier


This compact and versatile book light is perfect for travelers, students, or home. When open it can light up any book or magazine format, even your laptop! Once folded it can be used as a handy flashlight. This lightweight travel friendly book light is great for autos, airplane, or backpacks. Uses two AAA batteries (not included). Has free standing or clip-on, stands 4 in. tall x 3/4 in. wide. clip is 2 1/4 long x 1/4 wide.


Lighted Bar Magnifier


EZ*Reader Book-light/Flashlight. Ultra trim and easy to carry. Doubles as a personal security flashlight. High intensity Krypton bulb.



Hydraulic Pop-up Book-light. One touch hydraulic activation. Ultra bright LED uses less power so batteries last longer. It is pocket sized with handy wide clip


Sheet Magnifier with Border


Bible Magnifier 3-1 tool
Bible size lens enlarges small print. Books of the Bible on right edge. Use to mark your place in the Bible




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