Books On
Build A Better Marriage
Alf Lohne
Price: $0.99
Paperback Booklet
32 pages
Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816309450
This helpful book gives encouragement and solid guidance to husbands and wives. |
Marriage & Family, Student Text
Price: $13.95
Paperback Book
192 pages Copyright: 1999
Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816317267
Grade 12
Its easy to fall in love. The chances are high that students in grade 12 will marry someone they date and fall in love with during the next five to ten years.
You can fall madly in love with the wrong person. Make sure your romance is a rational one.
You can fall in love with almost anyone. The more time you spend with another person, the more intimate the talk, the more feelings are aroused
Being in love is not reason enough to marry. Dont make a long-term commitment to a short-term interest
Marriage & Family, Teacher's Text
Price: $25.95
Spiral-bound Book
208 pages
Copyright: 1999
Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816317275
Grade 12
Lesson objectives provide the focus for the lesson
Opener œ a nonthreatening "hook" into the lesson
Comprehension check and suggested answers
Anchor text
Intersection œ has been used by some writers to provide a description of the basic objectives of the lesson
Life principle œ used by some writers to depict a key principle of life or truth that is timeless and universal.
Suggested time allocation for each lesson
Materials needed from the TRM or from other sources that will enrich or reinforce the expected learning outcomes.
Instructional strategies that can be used for introducing the lesson or teaching specific sections in the lesson.
Bible search, suggested answers.
Practical application
Background / Enrichment material œ Print and nonprint materials may be listed that will enrich, reinforce, and / or extend the content of concepts of the lesson.
Marriage & Family, Teacher's Resource Manual
Price: $19.95
Binder 177 pages
Copyright: 1999
Pacific Press Publishing Association
ISBN: 0816317283
Creative projects
Narrative questions
Reproducible master copies of Worksheets and selected articles
Transparencies for selected graphs, charts, illustrations, or maps.
Question bank
Answer keys |
Highly Effective Marriage
Nancy Van Pelt
Price: $12.99
Paperback Book
224 pages
Copyright: 2000
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 0-8280-1420-5
Powerful Ways to Recharge Your Marriage
Amazingly, recent studies show that marital happiness has little to do with whom you marry and everything to do with how you cope with conflict. By learning and practicing a few simple rules, you can join the 10 percent who enjoy true marital happiness. If you long for marital intimacy, tenderness, and respect, or just need a 100,000-mile marital tune-up, this book is filled with powerful secrets to keep your spouse madly in love with you.
You'll learn
How to change the status quo by changing your tactics
Six rules for fighting fair
The magic of "share prayer"
Thirteen creative ideas for a date with your spouse
How a few words of affection can lower your medical bills
Nine ways to put play back into your marriage
Twenty one ways to love your wife
How to decide who submits to whom
How to replenish an overdrawn love bank
Five ways to make your spouse feel accepted
How to put pizzazz back in the bedroom
Plus scores of other suggestions to banish boredom, rekindle the old flame, and create the marriage of your dreams!