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Succeeding In Business without Losing Your Faith

Succeeding In Business without Losing Your Faith

Succeeding in Business Without Losing Your Faith
By: Edward R. Dayton
ISBN-10: 0801030161    ISBN-13: 9780801030161
Publisher: Baker Pub Group - 1992-10
Paperback | 230 Pages | List Price: $9.99 (USD) | Sales Rank: 2755551
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 0.7 inches

Edward Dayton knows that most people face a continual battle to put into practice what they preach. They can't reconcile what they are challenged to do on Sunday with what they are asked to do in the workplace on Monday.  Succeeding in business without losing their faith is a daily challenge.

Yet we can both succeed and be committed Christians in the workplace.  Once we understand the difference between the world's mold and the shape of God's kingdom, we can live as citizens of the kingdom while working in this world. 

Each chapter ends with a set of questions that can lead readers both individually and corporately into steps for success.

Edward Dayton knows both sides of the dilemma.  He has been an aerospace executive, a midlife seminary graduate, a worldwide teacher of management practice, and a leader in a nonprofit agency.  He has written more than a dozen books, including The Art of Management for Christian Leaders and Strategy for Leadership.













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