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My Best Friend Jesus

My Best Friend Jesus My Best Friend Jesus (preschool)
Cheryl Woolsey

Price: US $13.99
Hardcover Book
199 pages
Copyright: 1998
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 082801308X

My Best Friend Jesus makes it easy to bring your preschool children to Jesus every day. The short, simple devotionals build on Jesus action-based style of teaching and explore Jesus life through the book of Matthew. The stories are short enough for you to tell in your own words, your eyes meeting your childs eyes, just as Jesus eyes searched the hearts of His listeners.

Since children learn many different ways, these devotionals use a variety of learning methods to help bring a living, breathing Jesus to the forefront of young minds and hearts. The many hands-on activities and crafts build on the objects and events in the childs everyday life, capitalizing on Jesus object lessons.


082801308X Hardcover $13.99



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