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Love Letters From Jesus

Love Letters From Jesus Love Letters From Jesus
RosAnne C. Tetz

Price: $13.99
Hardcover Book
180 pages
Copyright: 2000
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 0828015163

This is one of a new series of interactive devotional books which will help you engage your preschooler in activities designed to reinforce the concept taught in the short devotional reading. Each book in the series features delightful, full-color art on every spread.

One Brick at a time. That's how to build a cathedral. But where to find the bricks? This book is full of character bricks, in the form of 180 devotional readings for preschoolers. Each short reading is crafted for maximum impact using simple object lessons.

Your child will never forget your happy times together because they will not merely hear the lessons, but act them, touch them, chew them, pray them, smell them, squish them, laugh them, fell them, color them, bake them, jingle them, draw, and animate them. By engaging the imagination, the seed of truth is planted deep, where it can snuggle down into the heart.

Covering the 27 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church, these readings provide a firm foundation on which to build a destiny. One brick at a time.


0828015163 Hardcover $13.99



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