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Hugs From Jesus
0828015678.jpg (10922 bytes) Hugs From Jesus
Sally Pierson Dillon

Price: $12.99
Hardcover Book
180 pages
Copyright: 2001
Review & Herald Publishing
ISBN: 0828015678

What if mothers with small children could take common things and dust them with splendor? What if they could transform mundane objects into a reason for praise? Now they can, with Sally Dillons second collection of preschool devotionals.

These simple object lessons will arouse your childs imagination with a wide variety of hands-on experiences. Most of them involving easy five-minute craft projects that engage all the senses, stimulating your childs growing intellect. Some involve practical lessons, such as how to count or dial 911. Many focus on Gods creatures great and small. Your child will grow in wonder at all things wise and wonderful and in gratitude to the Lord who made them all.


 ISBN  Formant Price
0828015678  Hardcover $12.99



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