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Can't Keep My Soul from Dancing Can't Keep My Soul from Dancing 216K
Mike Mennard

Price: US $10.99

Paperback Book 181 pages Copyright: 2003
Review & Herald Publishing ISBN: 0-8280-1707-7

Early on Mike ("hippie man")
Mennard discovered that
God is never dull

A once-aspiring poet, he wrote verse ranging from the sublime ("If all the world could see / The joy inside of me") to the ridiculous ("Hey, baby, I'll see ya latuh ¯ / I'm gonna eat a big cicada").

In this collection of cereal-for-the-soul stories, he shares lively lessons about God gleaned along the way from colorful characters in his life, like Mr. Paul (age 104) and his son "Little Paul" (81), who learn to get along at last. Or Logan, the holy terror, who finds some special friends. Or Ramona, the wallflower who blooms. Or ¯in the romance department ¯the resourceful Michelle, who prepares a delightful trap:

Michelle: "Mike, have you ever thought about getting married?"
Mike: "Yes."
Michelle: "When?"
Mike: "Well, I've always wanted to have a Christmas wedding."
Michelle: "I accept."

Mike Mennard will keep you laughing with his homespun humor as he explains how he lost 60 pounds, why he was once confused with Benjamin Franklin, and how the best is yet to come. You'll love his infectious message of hope ¯best summed up by his grandma and Pokey, the psych patient: "I'm gonna dance with God."

Mike Mennard is a public speaker and recording artist with hundreds of concerts to his credit. After several years editing the alumni magazine at Pacific Union College, he recently moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, to teach alongside his wife, Michelle, in the Humanities Division at Union College. He is working on a Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska.


0828019061 Hardcover $10.99



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