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Can You Hear Me Now? Can You Hear Me Now?
Dwain Neilson Esmond

Price: US $10.99

Paperback Book 159 pages Copyright: 2004
Review & Herald Publishing ISBN: 0-8280-1822-7

"I like my God strong, not watered down."

Why, how, when, and where does God speak? How can we know Gods will? How can we know whom to marry, or what career to choose? How can we hook up with God?

Inquiring minds want to know. Dwain Esmond wanted to know. He once asked God for a vocational hint. No need for lightning; just a divine sneeze in the direction of his life calling would do. But heaven seemed deaf. Closed for business. Call back later.

What do you do when the Shining One seems only a dim, flickering, hide-and-seek presence? If you have ever missed the presence of God, this book is for you. It provides not so much answers as encounters. Tales of scraped knuckles. Bent knees.

For those with a willy-nilly relationship with an ethereal God, here's a call to get beyond the narthex and into the inner sanctum. For those with e-mail/cell phone/pager/Palm Pilot sensory overload, heres a catalyst for reconnecting with the Eternal. Heaven's GPS, says Dwain, works great œonce our receiver is calibrated to the divine. And God is still near even when Hes silent. So learn to wait and trust. Seek with all your heart, and He will be found.

These devotionals for young adults will help you hear Gods whisper every day.


0828019061 Hardcover $10.99



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