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Screen Deep (Young Adult) Screen Deep (Young Adult)
Scott Moncrieff

Price: US $11.99 Quantity

Paperback Book 144 pages Copyright: 2007
Review & Herald Publishing ISBN: 9780828020664

If youd be so kind as to silence your phone, turn off your iPod, and put down the remote, author Scott Moncrieff has a word to share with you about media and culture.

Whether youre on the high end of the spectrum for media consumption or completely unplugged and electronically baffled, youll appreciate this witty, smart look at contemporary media and culture. With a Christian perspective Screen Deep takes a closer look at the implied messages that popular culture propels into our world every day.

This book explores everything from American Idol to Lost, MySpace to People magazine, revealing the subtle ¯and oh, so obvious ¯messages they send us about such things as consumerism, celebrity obsession, greed, and image. Each compelling chapter will leave you thinking about the views of pop culture and whether they square with or contradict a biblical perspective.


0828019061 Hardcover $11.99



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