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Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would
Homosexuals as Jesus Would: A Fresh Christian Approach
By: Chad W. Thompson
ISBN: 1587431211 ISBN-13: 9781587431210
Publisher: Brazos Press (2004-11-01)
Paperback | 184 Pages | List Price: $18.00 (USD) | Sales
Rank: 392257
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches
Refreshing, encouraging, and transparently written - a great
After hearing Chad Thompson speak at Urbana06, I ordered his
book and have thoroughly enjoyed reading and responding to
it. The book is well written and accomplishes a number of
things: it stretches typical default assumptions regarding
how the church ought to show love tangibly to the LGBT
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) community and
challenges the Christian community to act in love; it helps
one to overcome certain stigmatisms that come as a result of
a certain degree of unfamiliarity with the issue of
homosexuality, homophobia, or simply the lack of being in a
friendship with someone who struggles with and/or identifies
themselves as homosexual; it encourages those who struggle
with same-sex attraction but do not want to embrace the
lifestyle (for whatever reason) that there really are
healthy alternatives; finally, this book is at heart the
story of Chad's journey written with great transparency,
compassion, graciousness to all parties, and humility.