You Have What It Takes: What Every Father Needs to Hear
By: John Eldredge
ISBN-10: 0785260609 ISBN-13: 9780785260608
Publisher: Thomas Nelson - 2004-05-06
Format: Paperback
List price: USD 2.99
Wild at Heart helped men to rediscover
their masculine hearts-to be the men God designed them to be.
Now this small book goes a step further, encouraging fathers to
pass this insight on to their children. It is not by accident,
contends John Eldredge, that little boys dream of being heroes
and little girls dream of being rescued by a prince. It is woven
into the very fiber of the sexes. Men struggle with this most
pivotal role, and Eldredge's writing is the affirmation and
encouragement each man needs.
Eldredge gives fathers a look inside both themselves and their
sons and daughters, encouraging them to give their children
permission to be who God designed them to be.