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Quotations about Angels from the writings of Ellen G. White

Quotations about Angels from the writings of Ellen G. White Angels
Ellen G. White

Paperback Book
144 pages
Pacific Press Publishing Association

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White.

The serene beauty of angels is hidden from our earthly eyes. Yet these unseen heavenly guardians stand by us in our darkest hours and share our greatest joys. Ellen White wrote much about the ministry of angels.

This little book provides a sampling of her most memorable writings about God's faithful emissaries. Turn to any page in Angels and you'll find a quotation that will enlighten you to the diligent care and selfless love of heaven's messengers.







Hardcover Burgundy

White $5.99

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Quotations about Angels from the writings of Ellen G. White

Quotations about Angels from the writings of Ellen G. White Angels
Ellen G. White

Paperback Book
144 pages
Pacific Press Publishing Association

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White.

The serene beauty of angels is hidden from our earthly eyes. Yet these unseen heavenly guardians stand by us in our darkest hours and share our greatest joys. Ellen White wrote much about the ministry of angels.

This little book provides a sampling of her most memorable writings about God's faithful emissaries. Turn to any page in Angels and you'll find a quotation that will enlighten you to the diligent care and selfless love of heaven's messengers.







Hardcover Burgundy

White $5.99



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