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"The Blood Covenant" A Revelation of What the Lord's Table Really Means
The Blood Covenant:A revelation of what the Lord's Table really means
The Blood Covenant:

The significance of the Lord's Table is understood fully by very few. The truth, hidden away in the memorial of the Lord's Table, and forming the foundation of it, is of such a nature that your heart will thrill in response to the possibilities that present themselves, and will stir you to lay hold on the same power and victory and miracles that become a part of the every day life of the apostle. The Bible is composed of two covenants, contracts or agreements. The first covenant was between Abraham and Jehovah, and was sealed by circumcision. This New Covenant is sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ, God's own Son. It is impossible to describe in words what the Blood Covenant will mean to you once you understand it. This best-selling book is a must for every sincere Christian! Paperback - 72 pages


Read by Rev. Stephen Sobozenski - 80 Minutes - One audio cassette - A revelation of what the Lord's Table really means -- the message the world needs. $6.00



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