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"Two Kinds of Faith"
Two Kinds of Faith

Two Kinds of Faith:
by E. W. Kenyon

Publisher: Kenyon Gospel Publishers
published: April, 1981
Format: Paperback

Unanswered prayers stand between the individual and a faith life. Some have lost faith altogether. Many have turned to philosophical and metaphysical cults because their prayer lives were failures. There is but one foundation for Faith, the Living Word. As we become one with the Word in our actions, then faith becomes an unconscious reality. you never think of your faith, you only think of the need and His ability to meet it. This book shows you the difference between real faith, mental assent and hope. Hope is always in the future... you never receive what you are hoping for. FAITH IS NOW! Real faith is acting on the Word, independent of any Sense Evidence. This book will explain and show you the difference between real faith and Sense Knowledge faith. Sense Knowledge faith has almost driven real faith out of the churches. "Believing" is really "acting on the Word", and Faith is the result of action.
Paperback - 120 pages





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