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Congratulations, You're Gonna be a Dad! 

Congratulations, You're Gonna be a Dad!

Congratulations, You're Gonna be a Dad! 
Paul & Pam Pettit; Paul & Pam Pettit 

Dimensions: 6 x 8.5 inches
Format: Paperback
Length: 160 pages


Most dads look forward to d-day (delivery day) with a strange mix of excitement and dread. And it's no surprise since the birth of his first child is probably among the most nerve-stretching events a man will ever experience.

While dads-to-be are plagued by thousands of questions about entering the baby-fray, guys aren't likely to sit down with their fathers and friends to engage in "baby-talk." So where does a dad find a reliable source of information and preserve his "he-man" image?

This is the resource you're looking for. Set up in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, this book is written by a veteran dad and his wife, a nurse who presents the medical insights afforded by her training, on matters that sometimes confuse men. Also included are features by several "seasoned dads"such as Dr. James Dobson and Chuck Swindollwho have experience in the trenches of fatherhood and now pass what they've learned along to readers.






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