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Authentic Worship

Authentic Worship: Scripture's Voice, Applying Its Truth

by Herbert W. Bateman IV 

ISBN: 082542092X
Publisher: Kregel Academic & Professional - 30 November, 2002
Format: Paperback


Fewer topics in the church today arouse more interest and debate than the issue of worship, but settling the "worship wars" will demand more than simply catering to opinions and satisfying personal preferences. Authentic worship must begin with a truly biblical understanding of its purpose and object, as well as an informed perspective of how the Bible, baptism, the Lord's Supper, and music contribute to genuine God- centered worship.
In this important work, recognized experts offer worship leaders and those preparing for ministry a valuable resource for sorting through layers of tradition and unchanging biblical tenets. The authors including a historical theologian, a systematic theologian, and a specialist in cross-cultural studies examine three key components to authentic worship:
  • God as the object of worship
  • Music as the expression of our worship
  • Symbols as the images of our worship
082542092X Paper white $16.99



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