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Oxford Bible Atlas by Adrian Curtis
ISBN-10: 0191001589 ISBN-13: 9780191001581 Publisher: Oxford University
Press, USA - May 2007 Format: Hardcover - REV - Edition:
4 List price: USD $35.00 hardback, 240 pages Feb
2007 240 pages; 27 maps, 81 color illus.; 7-1/2 x 10;
description This new edition of the Oxford Bible
Atlas , with 27 maps and 81 full-color illustrations,
has been thoroughly revised to bring it up to date with
regard both to biblical scholarship and to archaeology
and topography. The Atlas will help readers of the Bible
understand the contexts in which its stories are set and
to appreciate the world from which it emerged and which
formed its background. Maps show the geographical
setting of the Bible's stories and reflect the
successive stages of the Bible's accounts, while
specially chosen full-color illustrations bring the
countries and their peoples to life. The accompanying
text describes the land of Palestine, and its wider
ancient Near Eastern and east Mediterranean settings. It
outlines clearly the successive historical periods, and
describes the major civilizations with which Israelites,
Jews, and early Christians came into contact. There is
also an illustrated survey of the relevance of
archaeology for the study of the Bible. The Atlas
provides a superb guide to the geography of the Holy
Land throughout biblical history, from the Exodus period
through to New Testament times.