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Baker Atlas of Christian History

0801022487.jpg (38572 bytes)

by Tim Dowley 
ISBN-10: 0801022487    ISBN-13: 9780801022487
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group - February 2001
Format: Hardcover
List price: USD 29.99
Dimensions: 8 x 12
Number of Pages: 160
Publication Date: Feb. 01

description: Originally released as Atlas of the Bible and Christianity, this attractive reference book details the history and development of Christianity. The new title emphasizes the distinctive of this book--these maps tell the story not only of the land of the Bible from the Old Testament times on but also of the spread of the Christian church from the New Testament through modern times.

Among the features of this atlas are 160 computer-generated maps reproduced in full color; full-color photographs; full-color charts and diagrams; latitude and longitude references; helpful and concise commentary; and complete index and gazetteer.

Author Information: Tim Dowley received his Ph.D. in church history from the University of Manchester and is the editor of Introduction to the History of Christianity and Eerdman's Handbook to the History of Christianity.


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