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0801056381.jpg (10608 bytes)

Baker's Concise Bible Atlas

by J. Carl Laney 

ISBN-10: 0801056381    ISBN-13: 9780801056383
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group - January 1988
Format: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Binding: hardcover
Pages: 288
Pub Date: 1998
Categories: General Reference Works; Archaeology and Biblical History

Understanding biblical geography allows one to more fully comprehend the dramatic events of the Bible. This popular-level historical and geographical survey of the Bible acts as a handbook to help the reader become familiar with some of the main physical and climatic features of the Holy Land. It combines vivid, easy-to-read commentary with 39 maps and 50 photographs. Sixteen historical periods are discussed, including the Inter-testamental Period and present day geography. The book traces the Bible chronologically and examines historical periods and major biblical events in the context of their geographical settings.

Item: 0801056381



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