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Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament
by Marvin R. Vincent 

Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament
by Marvin R. Vincent 
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 2520
Vendor: Hendrickson Publishers
Publication Date: 1985
Dimensions: 6.0 X 8.5 (inches)
ISBN: 0917006305
ISBN-13: 9780917006302
Readers need no formal language training to use this book in unlocking for themselves the riches of the New Testament. Vincents lists each significant word in the New Testament with its meaning, derivation, idioms, and uses in verse-by-verse form.
Marvin Vincent's Word Studies has been treasured by generations of pastors and laypeople. Commenting on the meaning, derivation, and uses of significant Greek words and idioms, Vincent helps you incorporate the riches of the New Testament in your sermons or personal study without spending hours on tedious language work! 2720 pages total, four hardcovers from Hendrickson.
0917006305 Hardcover white $99.95



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