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Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament, The

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Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament, The
By: John R. Kohlenberger III Edward W. Goodrick James A. Swanson
ISBN-10: 0310402204    ISBN-13: 9780310402206
Publisher: Zondervan - 1997-04-11
Hardcover | 1152 Pages | Dimensions: 9.4 x 7.5 x 2.1 inches

The Greek-English Concordance presents in alphabetical order every word in the Greek New Testament along with, in English, the passages in which the word occurs. Unlike the older Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New Testament, it is exhaustive and contains many new features.

The Greek- English Concordance to the New Testament is an exhaustive index to three Greek texts: UBS4, Nestle-Aland 26, and the Greek text underlying the New International Version of the Bible. It replaces the venerable Englishman's Greek Concordance by George Wigram, published a century and a half ago. FEATURES: - Lists all occurrences of a given Greek word (even where there is not a direct English equivalent) in Greek alphabetical order - Shows the interrelationship between the English and Greek texts, including redundant cognates and repeated Greek words, as well as multiple-word translations - Uses the Goodrick/ Kohlenberger numbering system (with cross-reference to Strong's numbers), allowing for accurate identification of Greek words and use with the NIV Exhaustive Concordance - Keyed to the Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich-Danker Greek Lexicon (BAGD) and the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNTT) - Exhaustive NIV-to-Greek index - Includes a phrase concordance for phrases such as Son of Man, kingdom of God, etc

9780310402206 Hardcover white $59.99



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