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HCSB Comprehensive Concordance 

HCSB Comprehensive Concordance 

HCSB Comprehensive Concordance (Holman Christian Standard Bible) 
By: David K. Stabnow (Editor) 
ISBN-10: 0805494596 ISBN-13: 9780805494594 
Publisher: Holman Reference - 2005-10-01
Hardcover | 1202 Pages | Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.4 x 2.2 inches

An essential tool for the pastor as well as for any serious student of the Bible. The HCSB Comprehensive Concordance contains nearly 300,000 concordance entries. Only 263 common words are omitted; all the rest of the words in the HCSB are completely listed. This book will assure that you can find the passage you are looking for, and it will be indispensable for your word studies and devotions. Because it is smaller than an exhaustive concordance, it can be kept handy at your desk or carried with you to church and Bible study.

9780805494594  Paperback white $19.97



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