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Concordancia Completa NVI

Concordancia Completa NVI

Concordancia Completa NVI (Spanish Edition) 
By: Ibs Vida 
ISBN-10: 0829732217 ISBN-13: 9780829732214 
Publisher: Vida - 2004-06-01
Hardcover | 1286 Pages | Dimensions: 10.8 x 8 x 1.5 inches

The Exhaustive NVI Concordance is a long awaited tool for study or for referencing the most recent Spanish translation of the Holy Scriptures. The traditional cross-references and text excerpts highlight each word found in the text, complimented by basic definitions and synonyms for each word. The concordance also includes biographical summaries of the most important persons of the Bible. A direct reference number listing the number of times that each word or name is used both in the Old and New Testaments rounds out this indispensable study tool.

9780829732214 Paperback white $29.99



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